Treatment, Diagnosis & Prescriptions for Dyshidrotic Eczema

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Can I consult with a doctor on Laso MD regarding my dyshidrotic eczema?

Absolutely, you can. The healthcare professional will discuss the symptoms and manifestations of your dyshidrotic eczema and conduct an examination of the affected area.

The healthcare provider might recommend further testing or refer you to a dermatologist to rule out other skin disorders with similar symptoms.

Once your healthcare team reaches a diagnosis for dyshidrotic eczema, they can propose suitable treatments tailored to your needs.


Can I receive a prescription on Laso MD?

Certainly, our physicians can prescribe medications for dyshidrotic eczema online during your consultation. After accepting a prescription for dyshidrotic eczema, you’ll have the option to pick it up from a nearby pharmacy or have it delivered to your door at no extra cost.


What is dyshidrotic eczema?

Dyshidrotic eczema, also referred to as dyshidrosis or vesicular eczema, is a skin condition characterized by the development of blisters on the hands and feet.

Typically lasting between two to four weeks, dyshidrotic eczema may coincide with seasonal allergies or periods of heightened stress.


What are the symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema?

The primary symptom of dyshidrotic eczema is the appearance of small, potentially fluid-filled blisters on the hands, feet, fingers, and toes. These blisters are itchy and can lead to flaky, cracked, or painful skin. Additionally, they may cause a burning sensation or induce sweating around the blistered areas.

In certain instances, dyshidrotic eczema may result in the formation of larger, more painful blisters in these same regions.

Upon drying, the blisters can lead to painful skin cracks. Persistent scratching of the affected areas might cause the skin to feel spongy or thicker than usual. Skin cracks may also increase the risk of localized infections, necessitating separate treatments.


What causes dyshidrotic eczema?

The precise cause of dyshidrotic eczema remains unknown. It is occasionally associated with another eczema type known as atopic dermatitis.

In some cases, dyshidrotic eczema causes may be linked to allergy-related conditions such as hay fever.

Several risk factors, including stress levels (both emotional and physical), sensitive skin, exposure to specific metals (particularly nickel, chromium, and cobalt), and pre-existing atopic dermatitis, may increase the likelihood of experiencing dyshidrotic eczema symptoms.


How is dyshidrotic eczema diagnosed?

Healthcare practitioners often diagnose dyshidrotic eczema by assessing the symptoms and signs you’re experiencing. A physical examination is conducted to evaluate the severity and location of the affected skin.

In certain cases, referral to a dermatologist or additional testing may be recommended to rule out other skin conditions with similar symptoms. This could involve skin biopsy, testing blister discharge, or allergy testing.

Once a clear diagnosis is established, healthcare providers can suggest dyshidrotic eczema treatments tailored to the severity, which may include prescription medications as part of the treatment plan.


How is dyshidrotic eczema managed?

There isn’t a universal remedy for dyshidrotic eczema that suits everyone. However, various options are available, and your healthcare practitioner may recommend specific treatments based on the severity of your condition.

At-home measures to alleviate skin irritation and enhance the skin barrier include:

  1. Using lukewarm water and soap-free cleansers
  2. Thoroughly drying after washing and applying emollients afterward
  3. Wearing cotton gloves under vinyl or non-latex gloves during wet tasks and removing hand or wrist jewelry before these activities
  4. Protecting hands from cold weather with gloves
  5. Avoiding exposure to known irritants

For mild dyshidrotic eczema symptoms, over-the-counter medications and creams can be effective in reducing irritation and inflammation.

When symptoms are more pronounced, your healthcare provider may suggest additional dyshidrotic eczema treatments, such as:

  1. Draining large blisters using a sterile syringe to minimize pain and prevent spontaneous rupture, reducing infection risk
  2. UV light treatments
  3. Prescribing dyshidrotic eczema medications (e.g., corticosteroid medications, antihistamines, etc.)

In rare cases where standard treatments prove ineffective, immune-suppressing ointments may be recommended by your healthcare practitioner.

If cracked skin or broken blisters become infected, antibiotic treatment may be advised alongside other suggested interventions.


When to consult a doctor for dyshidrotic eczema?

If you’ve noticed signs of dyshidrotic eczema, seeking advice from a healthcare practitioner or dermatologist on Laso MD is a wise step.

Given that this type of eczema can sometimes be mistaken for other skin conditions, a healthcare practitioner can offer a precise dyshidrotic eczema diagnosis. On Laso MD, physicians can also guide you to dermatologists with specialized expertise to rule out similar-looking skin conditions.

The healthcare practitioners at Laso MD are equipped to recommend effective dyshidrotic eczema treatments to help alleviate your symptoms. This may include prescribing dyshidrotic eczema medications tailored to your treatment plan.

Symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema can be distressing, but Laso MD’s team of healthcare professionals is ready to assist you in regaining control of your skin health.


What is Laso MD?

With Laso MD, you can initiate a conversation with a doctor about your symptoms within minutes. We are a healthcare app offering rapid, convenient, 24/7 access to Canadian doctors.

Simply log in, tap a button to request a consultation, and you’ll be instantly connected to a doctor via live chat or video. Explore our How it Works page for more details.

Our doctors can assess symptoms and provide treatment, including prescriptions as needed.

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