Treating, diagnosing, and prescribing for Scabies infection.

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Can a doctor address scabies on Laso MD?

Certainly, a Laso MD doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment for scabies. The primary indicator is the rash scabies leaves on the skin, prompting the physician to conduct an examination of the affected area and gather relevant health information for an accurate diagnosis.


Can I receive a prescription on Laso MD?

Certainly, our doctors on Laso MD can issue online prescriptions as part of your consultation. Upon accepting the prescription, you’ll have the choice to pick it up from any pharmacy or opt for free delivery to your doorstep.


What is scabies?

Scabies is a skin condition caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, microscopic mites that burrow under the skin, lay eggs, and reproduce on the body. This infestation results in an itchy rash, making the experience extremely uncomfortable. Although scabies is highly contagious, it is not considered dangerous.


What are the symptoms of scabies?

Upon initial infestation, it may take 4-6 weeks for symptoms to manifest, and scabies remains contagious during this phase. Individuals who have previously had scabies will exhibit symptoms within a few days.

Scabies symptoms include:

  • A rash, typically red and pimple-like, intensely itchy, and sometimes scaly
  • Nighttime worsening of itching
  • Greyish-white lines on the skin, slightly raised, where mites burrow underneath
  • Sores resulting from excessive scratching

In adults, these symptoms commonly occur in specific body areas, such as:

  • Between fingers
  • Inner elbow
  • Behind the knee
  • Under breasts or around the nipples
  • Shoulder blades
  • Around the waist
  • In the pubic region, especially on the penis and scrotum
  • Upper thigh and lower buttocks
  • Inside wrists
  • Around fingernails

Children can also contract scabies, typically affecting the palms of hands and soles of feet, as well as the neck, face, and scalp.

Severe scabies, known as Norwegian or crusted scabies, forms a crust on the skin, making it challenging to eliminate due to the high mite population on the body. While most people with scabies have around 10-15 mites at any given time, severe cases can involve hundreds of thousands. Crusted scabies may not be as itchy and, in addition to the mentioned symptoms, can lead to flaky skin on the face and hair loss. This form is more prevalent in individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV or leukemia.


What leads to scabies?

Scabies results from prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, typically not transmitted through brief encounters like handshakes. Mites are transferred during more extended contact, such as holding a child or intimate interactions. The high contagiousness of scabies often leads to entire households contracting the infestation when living in close quarters.

In cases of crusted scabies, transmission can occur by using unwashed sheets or borrowing clothes from an infected individual, though this is less common.


How is scabies diagnosed?

In the early stages, a scabies rash resembles other skin conditions like acne or insect bites. Later, scaling on the skin, similar to psoriasis, may occur. Due to the rash mimicking various skin concerns, diagnosis can be challenging.

Doctors diagnose scabies by examining the skin, looking for burrows or track marks that distinguish it from other conditions. Occasionally, a sample from the burrow may be analyzed to confirm the presence of eggs or mite feces.


How is scabies treated?

Medicated creams like Elemite, Eurax, or Lindane (for those with specific allergies or unsuccessful prior treatments) are common scabies treatments. If one household member has scabies, it’s likely others do too. Cleaning the sheets and clothing of an infected person, along with vacuuming furniture they’ve contacted, helps prevent further spread.


What distinguishes scabies from eczema?

While eczema and scabies may share similar appearances with itchy, flaky skin, scabies is caused by mites burrowing under the skin, laying eggs, and reproducing. In contrast, eczema is not associated with any parasites, and its cause is unknown but believed to be linked to immune function. Despite similar symptoms, they are unrelated conditions.


What is Laso MD?

Laso MD provides a platform for swift, convenient 24/7 access to Canadian doctors. By logging in and requesting a consultation with a simple tap, users can instantly connect with a doctor through live chat or video. For more information, visit our How it Works page.

Our doctors on Laso MD can evaluate symptoms and provide necessary treatments, including prescriptions.

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